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What Waits Below

Started by Kosh, August 29, 2001, 04:44:02 AM

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Ok, ok, I know this film fullfils the need for cheese, but when I saw it when it was new, I loved it.  All I want is a copy of it.  Can anyone help?

Uh, I hate to a)admit that I've actually watched this entire movie and b)quibble with the reviewer, but the US does use ELF transmitters (Extremely Low Frequency) to communicate with subs and these radio waves can penetrate water and rock (that's whay they use it). It *is* amazingly slow, tho', because the radio waves are measured in meters! So, the premise of transmitting through rock is valid.
 I think that's about the only valid thing, however.

Rick, you're correct to my full knowledge on the waves being able to contact nuclear subs deep under the ocean.  This signal is only an alert, letting the sub know it must ascend to receive the true message.  As for penetrating rock, I know of some theories, but no hard data - if you can give me a reference please let me know.  In deference to your objection I am changing the wording in my review to be more precise.  The two ELF stations in the US employ antennas which are miles long and ENORMOUS amounts of energy to send that little beep deep into the oceans, the idea of a portable console doing the same is certainly funny.  Agreed?


It seems there's a DVD of this film. I saw it on Ebay but never heard about it on amazon or any other site. Any answer?????????

For ••Years•• I've been trying to find out the
name of this movie, and before 2 days ago presumed
it only existed in my head! I found it by crawling
through the various genres in the Time Out movie
guide (as well as looking for movies including the
words 'mountain' or 'underground'), and I found it
under Phantom Caverns. According to Time Out
guide, What Waits Below is supposedly takes place
in a Spanish mountainside where they are
installing a radio transmitter, when
archaeologists (!!) 'discover a malign presence
deep within the caverns'. Oh well.

 Do you know where i can get hold of this movie in
video format? (no way is it coming out in
dvd!)....I l

Oh, thank you.  Your review left me LOL numerous times! For some reason, I continue to list this movie on my page of credits.  I must be a masochist.  But y'know, I wrote the script with such great hopes.  How was I to know it would be one of the most doomed productions of all time?  The stories I could tell.  Like the morning my burly Australian husband threated to punch the teeth of the associate producer down his throat.  And how they nearly killed their entire cast and crew with carbon monoxide poisoning by shooting deep inside caves using generators without piping out the exhaust.

When they had the screening of the finished movie, I slunk out as soon as it was over, hoping nobody would remember I had a part in creating it.

Oh, about the title: "Raiders of the Lost Ark" had just come out and was the biggest hit of the century, hence Sandy Howard wanted a look-alike name.  That's where he came up with The Secret of the Phantom Caverns. I still have t-shirts with that name on it. I refuse to be blamed for either title.  Or the finished script, for that matter, which was being rewritten on the set daily without my input.

At least it can be enshrined in the hallowed ranks of bad movies.  That's better than being forgotten.  I think.

Christy Marx

cbenzinski, your Time Out guide wasn't paying attention.  The action (such as it is,) is set in Belize, which, last time I checked, is in our own hemisphere.  And fenris, would you have been equally derisive of a movie that claimed in 1984 there existed the technology to make a plane the size of the B-2 invisible to radar?  The government doesn't tell us everything, and since the "hard data" is still classified, no one else will give you a reference, either (unless you pay them lots of money.)  I mean, what's so funny about a portable console? It's just a device to motivate the plot, and as such it's at least as plausible as using the Ark of the Covenant as a secret weapon to wipe out the Gestapo. If you're looking for factual data, stick to the Discovery Channel. There are plenty of things to criticize about WWB, but quibbles of this sort don't make for satisfying criticism.


I just want to know why did robert powell accepted to play in this film! does anybody knows the answer? he's a good actor, he can do better and he made many good films, it was a little funny to me finding this movie on this "bad movies" page. Anyway, relax, this is not the worst film on history just take a look to mission impossible 2 it's quite worst.


Name a good film Robert Powell has been in recently

Sarah a good Robert Powell movie...lemme see...There's Jesus of Nazareth, Shaka Zulu, The Four Feathers, Mahler...
Go to the internet movie database and check it out. I haven't seen this movie, but I have seen a lot of Robert Powell movies and he's very underused- he's an incredible actor.

Kelly Kline

My brother up there (Kerry McCreary) is right about the reason he was in the film.  My Girl Scout troop was hired to do body makeup for the Lemurians - which can be a pretty disgusting thing when you're 13 years old and you have to put white pasty makeup on a 50 year old man's inner thighs! (Can't remember his name, the Lemurian that's 2nd in command, used to be in Shazam!)  Anyway, it was definitely an experience to remember, including the carbon monoxide poisoning that had everyone so sick.  The next week's headline on The Star magazine read "Movie Star Saves Crew's Lives" and showed a picture of Robert Powell leading Lisa Blount out of the cave.  The story went on about how he alerted the crew of the poisoning and got everyone out ... in reality, he and Lisa Blount heard about it and took the only golf cart available in the cave and got the heck out!

On another note, Timothy Bottoms was a lot of fun.  My mom, brother, and I ate lunch with him and he flirted with mom a lot.  He even dressed up as a Lemurian and kept poking mom with his "woomer."  Ahhh, to be a movie star.

Tim Hinkle

 I was a "runner" on the set of this movie for the first week. For the next 2 weeks in Alabama, I assisted the special effects man, Rick Joespheson. I had the opportunity to meet most of the "stars" and even got my name on the credits at the end of the movie......(not sure I am happy about that) ;)
 This movie was made in 1983, and I just found a copy I rented. I would like to find a copy to purchase, just for a keepsake. Your information would be helpful. Thanks!


I think this review is a little harsh in some areas but not in others where it perhaps should be. I can see why they started the shoot with the Goliath stalagmnite because its situated at cathedral Caverns whey they filmed most of the interior scenes. There's some awful editing at the start though, especially with that sodier climbing the slope afer George & Wolf.
  On the back of my tape it says they travel to Spain, but in the film they go north to Belize in Central America -although according to the film and Steven's map it's in SOUTH America!  On the front of the tape is a cool pic of a Lemurian in mid-scream, but I notised the American version has a drawing of Wolf and Leslie on a rope....
 Santos is given a bit of a hard time in this review....when the snake attacks, his gun jams.


for What Waits Below check regularly or or

Believe it or not it shows up from time to time.

Dolores (a Robert Powell fan)


Hey! Already FOUR members of the cast/crew have posted on this messageboard, surely a record in coincidence for a bad film. Perhaps if we get a Warners representative here they can be persuaded to finance a remake  ;)